do a non-random non scarry thing !
and i dont think the make up wearing means shes tired of it
go for it dude DO EETTI have a fairly large crush on a girl in my class?
Poetry and lovel etters are all well and good but you are bound to scare off someone ratehr than attract them. The easiest option is to go up and strike up a conversation. Say hello, ask a question about her or something to do with work and just get to know her. It's really that simple and after you have conquered the nerves of talkig to her and see whether there is an attraction or not then you should be well on your way to having something fun and special with this girl.
First of all, don't worry about the make-up. Yes, there are times that women dress up to impress men, but most of the time, they dress up/wear makeup to impress other women or please themselves. This girl probably woke up one day and thought, ';I feel like I'm good enough at applying makeup now that I can wear it in public and not look like a clown';. Then she woke up a week later and couldn't be bothered.
Second, it is totally normal to dream about people, and it is normal to fantasize about them sexually. So don't feel guilty or weird about that.
Also, it has been scientifically proven that men can get spacey around women they find attractive. So you're not unusual there. I would not start off by writing her a letter or poem--that could very easily come across as weird or too intense. You need to start off by talking to her. Even if you feel awkward around her, the reality is that you have to talk to her if you want her to know you exist and if you want her to know you're interested.
You have to take risks sometimes when you want to approach someone you're attracted to. Yes, you might feel awkward, yes, there's a chance she'll think you're awkward or is not attracted to you. But if you don't talk to her, your chance with her is zero. What you need to keep in mind is that it is completely normal to be attracted to people. Normal, mature people talk to people they are attracted to. And normal, decent girls don't make fun of guys who approach them politely for a date or conversation. So if you ever feel that a girl is thinking that you're an idiot because you have tried to talk to her or express an interest, the problem is with her, not with you.
The bottom line is that you need to be more confident. Confidence means that you approach this girl and say something like, ';I think we've been in the same class for a while, but we've never talked. I think you know my friend....';. If she acts like she thinks you're an idiot, don't worry. You tried. You'll get over it. But maybe she'll talk back. Chat a few more times about boring stuff, then invite her to eat with you at lunch. Then invite her to the movies or something.
Don't worry about looking stupid around her. It doesn't matter that she gets better grades than you. People have different skills. You sound like a normal, articulate guy and I'm sure you have your own strengths. Good luck!
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