My girlfriend lied to me and said she was home but couldnt hang out. She actually was not at home she was at the mall buying shoes with her ex. She said she didnt tell me cause i would get mad. Then she deletes texts like through out conversations between her and her ex before i can read them. Finally, i dont want to sound like a baby and it shouldnt be a big deal but, she had a little thing about how she loved me on her myspace. She took it off. Is it cause she doesnt want her ex to kno? Is it weird to ask her to put the myspace thing back on? Also she wants to go to a rave but, wont let me go because shes ';going with her friend whos a girl';... wtf?Do i have reason to concern?
Yeah you do have a concern on the actions she is taking. I think you should question why is she with her ex buying shoes? Why is she erasing the texts. I think you should sit down and give the guidelines on what a relationship should be like. You should care for urself because she should try to make an effort in this relationship. I understand she wants space and you will give her if she was not all private and everything. i think you should confront her and if she doesn't respect your feelings then she is not true. I am sorry been in that situation like this and I had to end it because the relationship was not 50-50. One thing is I hate liars, drinkers, smokers, and being friends with ex's.....I faced all of that and had to end half of them because it led to pain and I would rather be with honest people...Confront her because in the end you will feel betterDo i have reason to concern?
She's cheating on you. Dump her ***.
yes. you need to be concerned. i'm guessing the friend she is going to the rave with is definitely not a girl.
yes you should be concerned
your first reason, she lied about being at the mall with her ex
your second reason...she was with her ex, they are in touch, via hanging out, texting, etc
your third reason: she is lieing to you...
extra information, the chances are she is going to this rave with this ex, ask if you can go with her, her answer will tell you if she is really going with a girl or her ex
there is 3 for you,....i would be concerned
Ex is still in picture, dump her lyin *** and get a real life outside myspace!
go out and meet some new friends in person!!!!
You'll feel a whole lot better I promise you!!
Sounds to me like she has something going on with the ex. She might be just using you as a back up in case it doesn't work with the ex. Talk to her straight out and tell her how you don't like her going out with her ex. Don't ask her to put notes on myspace - what's the point if you have to tell her?
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