Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why aren't as many girls serious about listening to music as guys?

I don't get why it's so hard these days to find girls with a wide breadth of real music knowledge. Oh sure, you can drop names like Bach, and Vivaldi, but you won't get far with a dude like Purcell. Same thing with other genres, they may know NIN, but most certainly not Throbbing Gristle or even Suicide for that matter.You might as well apply a really weak example with rap too, all the girls I know stop and start with Lil Jon, I dunno if I ever met a girl who could tell me who Public Enemy was. Metal? Same story. Perhaps they know Opeth, but classic stuff like Darkthrone, and Possessed? No way. Let's here it for jazz too, I don't think I have ever, ever met a girl that knew who Sun Ra was. And goodness gracious, what percentage of the female population you think listens to Stockhausen or Partch? I tried talking to girls about punk music once, and they didn't even know who Black Flag was. It's not that girls are stupid, or just don't get music, it's just rather why they don't really, really delve into listening to the stuff in the first place. It's uncanny on how many more guys than girls out there insist on listening to albums as compared to singles, and also just how many more guys seem to be into more, ';diverse'; and ';inaccessible'; music that isn't catchy or dancey. Is my perception misguided? Or is this a more girls like romance films than action movies type thing?Why aren't as many girls serious about listening to music as guys?
...i don't think anyone knows who the hell those bands are.Why aren't as many girls serious about listening to music as guys?
Why is it that most guys only like songs about booty calls, drugs, and popping caps up peoples asss?

Have you ever herd of Sonohra, Alexander Rybak, People Say Fox, Corky and the Juice Pigs, Jena Lee, PZK? Do you know any of the famous people that are well known on the other side of this earth that the US has no recognition of, even if it's in a language you've don't know anything about?

And let me ask you this. Have you ever bothered to listen to a bunch of chick bands? You think they all suck? Too emotional and ewwy goey. Well how the hell do you think girls feel about listening to music that sounds like the singer is going through an exorcism?

Girls are from Venus, boys are from Mars. But i'm a March 9th Pisces and Mars and Jupiter are my rulers. )Shut up, don't question my ways haha XD). I know a lot about music. I do happen to know many famous blues artists, like the famous blues guitarist everyone tries to copy cuz when he played, it sounded like multiple ppl playing the guitar at the same time. Believe it or not, I actually buy classical music from iTunes. i listen to a lot of music. The reason why I haven't herd of most of the bands you listed is because I'm sick of listening to mainstream radio or have simply never came across them. I'll even look them up, being I love hearing new music. It's a way of understanding people. (I don't really care from sex songs though. They make me feel uncomfortable. Virgin ears! )

I'm positive I could list more then you could imagine, of bands you have never herd of, yet are incredibly gifted. I listen to any genre. From mild screamo to 1920's jazz. I love oldies, hard rock, soft rock, Latino, world, classical, alternative, indie, pop. It really doesn't matter. It's not like I have the same monotone feeling every second of every day. It changes all the time. And music helps me figure out that mood. Usually on school mornings when I feel all dreary and confused I play Pure Morning by Placebo. Some nights when I'm laying in bed and get in this imaginative, free, weird mode, I'll play Rhapsody in Blue, Can莽茫o do Mar, La Vie en Rose, The Chairman's Waltz, Rhymes of an Hour, Arabesque, maybe even background noise of some Rammstein songs with out the singing.

Yeah I have 2 Justin Bieber Bieber or Brittany Spears songs, so what? It can't be Bullet For My Valetine, Sick Puppies, Egypt Central, Emery, Ill Nino 24/7. It's nice to have variety, especially when deciding to dance outside like a loony tune to Put the Lime in the Coconut. Maybe it's because I grew around musical people, basically own my own instrument store, teach myself music from a variety of instruments like clarinet, Soprano sax, flute, guitar, piano, accordion,yodeling lol etc, or the fact i write and compose my own music. I keep an open mind to everything and by all my music choices show that. Is everyone like this? No. They didn't grow up like you or I. They were brought up by different influences. Luckily we both have a passion of music (well I suppose you do, since you actually know some jazz singers). Not everyone is like this. Not everyone is a the same zodiac sign. It's just how things work. You and I care, and many others don't give a damn about different styles. Just have to accept that fact and move on.

Sure it sucks how all the amateur artists that know scwat get so famous and rich off of their small talent. But then people start to hate these innocent people when actually they are taken out their anger on how mad they are at the media system and how the media can over advertise something so much to make it blow way out of portion.

That's life. I'm perfectly content with it.

Kwaheri :)
Possibly they like the words and what the words mean, more than the tune, and I use the word ';tune'; loosely.
Hmmm and I was wondering if many people came to the polls and surveys section that would know some of the same bands I like. I can tell you I definitely get into bands/artists you mentioned such as Suicide, Throbbing Gristle, Public Enemy, Blag Flag, Sun Ra, etc.

I'm not a girl and I'm just using a female avatar temporarily for a moment because so many dizzy-headed people actually think sarah palin is smart.

As for my answer - while you do have a point about the majority, which is the mindless sheep, I do know there are some women that are into the music you're talking about, BUT they're not the majority, because as TRUE Alternative music goes, sadly most people just get their info about what's called 'Alternative' for example from what mainstream media tell them is 'Alternative' and as for myself and the crowd I run which includes women - we say for the most part screw the majority and mainsteam radio and music can get f 'ed. I say for the most part because there's a little bit of older mainstream that's good such as the R.E.M; Cure, Glen Campbell, The Kinks, Bob Dylan, and some other older acts here and there that are good, but overall mainstream music has sucked for a very long time. I started getting into older bands %26amp; artists, including bands %26amp; artists around long before I was born because a lot of sanitized, watered down, generic, churned out like an assembly line music around now including poser bands calling themselves 'Alternative' and even 'Punk' such as greed day or blinky they're so phew (green day sucks, blink 182 sucks) - is anything crappy but definitely NOT 'Alternative' and especially NOT 'Punk'.

As you mentioned Suicide I have a few of their albums and I have a solo album of Suicide's singer Alan Vega's as well. I have albums and videos of Throbbing Gristle as well besides other bands you mentioned as well such as Public Enemy, Black Flag, etc.

I'm quitting answers and this yahoo account pretty soon, but I'll be setting up some sites of my own, including for music and radio stations and I'm thinking about even having a talk radio show, although I'm sure my show will tick off some people, as I'm a moderate who doesn't believe in siding with ANY current political party blindly that exists in the U.S. right now

I will say that since you like bands like the ones you mentioned, some others I'd recommend is bands such as these:

Big Black - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIn8e8-kX鈥?/a>

Discharge - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRqbnhM7a鈥?/a>

U-Men - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZHip9Iki鈥?/a>

Paris - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHXy4K2is鈥?/a>

MDC - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4RdeM0PY鈥?/a>

Flat Duo Jets - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSvyU7flL鈥?/a>

The Screamers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdCRcrgX0鈥?/a>

Chrome - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbthsY8ln鈥?/a>

Street Walkin' Cheetahs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ecQlLJv3鈥?/a>

Theoretical Girls - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPFumfqTk鈥?/a>

Link Wray - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsP7orTm_鈥?/a>

Bad Brains - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTDcx89L-鈥?/a>

The Residents - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcI5rNR5T鈥?/a>

Candy Snatchers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIk4LgbLK鈥?/a>

B**thole Surfers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vJvK-OjK鈥?/a>

Gun Club - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZMvjYOms鈥?/a>

Voivod - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfpYIPbrc鈥?/a>

Test Department - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBFeWSWiw鈥?/a>

Big Boys - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6yAPHTh8鈥?/a>

Savage Republic - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1yX-ew3F鈥?/a>

Culture - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52CS3ZCMb鈥?/a>

Crash Worship - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq5RamhrN鈥?/a>

The Wipers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur6n-M-xP鈥?/a>

Toxic Reasons - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElRB5YQqU鈥?/a>

The Blackouts - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrUZMle8s鈥?/a>

Circle Jerks - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SqMQa5Bn鈥?/a>

Einst眉rzende Neubauten - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCX6KvfIo鈥?/a>

Speaking of females, how about some bands that have female singers or all female bands?

The Pandoras - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zxdMkHSe鈥?/a>

The Gits - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfrhLEQ8c鈥?/a>

The Plasmatics - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVMOQrb_6鈥?/a>

Dead Can Dance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVjmSfUEn鈥?/a>

Runaways - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz9JNDlcT鈥?/a>

I know I definitely don't have room to list all that I could, but I recommend giving those music acts a try.

IN SHORT - The problem is it's not so much the girls, as it is a lot of people (girls and guys) gets into mainstream crap like brainwashed zombie sheep, but some girls/women just as some guys do get into REAL Punk and Alternative - it's just not the majority because the majority gets into mainstream crap because they're sheep.
black flag is a punk band! i actually just saw keith morris with the circle jerks and seven seconds 4 days ago. ask me anything about punk music
Who said girls aren't serious about their music? I doubt you've heard of half the bands i listen to...does that mean you aren't serious about music either? There's millions of bands out there. You can't honestly expect people to know every single band you mention %26amp; just so you know...i am a female who would rather listen to a whole album then a few singles.
damm thats long
I'm seriously listening to Alice in Chains right now

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