Sunday, November 14, 2010

How do I leave my fiance, even though he loves me and wants to stay together?

We live together, and have a 4-month-old daughter, so it's a little more complicated... But I don't feel like I love him any more, and I don't feel physically attracted to him at all. I can't stand his family. He has started being controlling, telling me how I can or cannot spend my own money. Whenever something doesn't go EXACTLY the way he wants it to, he pouts for hours. The other day, for example, we were in the car, listening to music, and I skipped a song that I didn't particularly care for... Turns out it was one of his favorites, but instead of saying something like ';Hey, can you switch that song back? I really wanted to listen to it,'; he spent the rest of the hour-long car trip not speaking to me. I would have been more than happy to skip back to the song he liked, but instead, he found an excuse to sit there and pout, and make me feel guilty for upsetting him. He does this all the time.

Also, he gets depressed frequently, and when I ask why he's depressed, it's because he feels stressed about taking care of the baby, and unhappy because most of the extra money we have has been spent on baby stuff instead of video games, books, movies, or music (his favorite things, in other words). He has gained a lot of weight, and his eating habits are atrocious. They were so much better when we first started dating. He doesn't want any more children; I want 1 or 2 more. He hates spending time outside, and has even said that he wouldn't take our daughter to the park when she gets old enough. I love being outside and going to the park.

The problem is, he loves me. He does his absolute best to make things work. He apologizes for things that he's done wrong, and he tries to make up for it. He tries to communicate, although he isn't very good at it, and only makes the effort when he sees that something is wrong. He has even told me that if I ever cheated, he would forgive me and take me back (I would never cheat on him--I'd break up with him before I cheated). I've asked him what he would do if I left him, and he said that he would follow me (?!). Then he said ';But that will never happen.';

Also, his mother threatened to take my daughter from me legally if I ever left him. At the time, I was six months pregnant!! That' what worries me the most--his mother is a secretary in a legal office and she's enough of a ***** that she really would try to take my baby. My little girl means more to me than anything in the world. I do everything for her--I breastfeed, I change all her diapers, I take care of her by myself at night when my fiance is at work, and when she's really upset, I'm the only person who can calm her down. In return, she's my little sunshine, and the only person in my life who makes me happy right now.

I want to leave. I want out. But I am worried that he will take my baby. I am worried that his parents will take my baby. I am worried that he will follow me forever. I am worried that his family will make my life (and my daughter's life) miserable. Any advice?How do I leave my fiance, even though he loves me and wants to stay together?
Seriously!! I feel for you! Go to a family lawyers office and pay the fee for a consultation, tell them everything you wrote here. It is VERY VERY difficult to take a child from their mother in the United States ok? lets establish that first. DO NOT BE AFRAID. You want out, get out! You do not have to suffer this emotional abuse and are not obligated in anyway to stay with this man you have free will and you have rights if you have somewhere to go then go! and find yourself a lawyer just incase they dare try to take your little girl away, which honestly would be a waste of time on their part. You can also petition for shared custody before they do anything and beat them to the punch. Good luck Sweetie!How do I leave my fiance, even though he loves me and wants to stay together?
Sounds like he could use some couseling, if he loves and really wants to be with you, he will go. Either alone or marriage. He sounds like he needs to grow up and realize that what he wants to do comes second to what he must do as a father and husband. He doesn't have a choice but to take his daughter to the park. His mother can not take your daughter away without reason, your husband might suffer from depression. The parent who would spend the extra cash on the kid, deserves custody over the parent who would spend it on video games, very immature. If you leave find a way to record any threats that come your way from the mother in law, because she will make verbal threats, catch just one on tape...
Let me start with laughing because your mother in law can't do anything to take your daughter away. She's a secretary just that!! Trust me I work in a law firm myself secretaries don't have ';power'; haha give me a break. Plus she can be the attorney yet they can't take her away only because they say so. They need GOOD evidence. In this country it take A LOT to take a kid away from their mothers. You need to be a drug addict, or an alcoholic or something in those lines. You would have to be putting your daughter in danger for them to even consider taking your daughter. You have nothing to worry about. You sound like a good mother. What you have to do is get a job and get out. I'm sorry but I wouldn't want to be with him either. My ex sounds exactly like him EXACTLY. If you don鈥檛 already have a job get one. Save money and leave. You don鈥檛 need that kind of crap in your life. You don鈥檛 need to live thinking something will happen to your daughter and your fianc茅 won鈥檛 do anything to clear your mind. His parents have no right to threaten you like that. Please leave and prove you can be a good mother. I left my ex and I am living alone with my daughter and we are very happy that way. We don鈥檛 need the kind of crap he put me through. move out and be happy good luck
I think after only four months you are not healed physically or mentally and I would not be making any rash decisions on my future right now. It can take some time for a woman to truly feel herself again and then life seems a little brighter. In the meantime, I would tell this guy everything you wrote here minus the feeling his family would try and take the baby. You can tell him that him and his family and making you feel uncomfortable and they need to be more supportive. Running isn't always the answer. I'm assuming you care or at least cared for this individual after having a child with him.
you are the perfect example why spoiled kids need to stop having kids.
Get a lawyer now.

Next, please get a video recorder or spy camera to bring around you and try to tape everything down whenever they are trying to threaten you. Use it as evidence for fighting in court.

Don't worry, usually mother gets their children's custody.
First, you need a lawyer.

A GOOD lawyer. Best you can get.

Secondly, MOVE OUT.

Go back to your parent's house,

move in with a relative, a friend,

or get to the women's shelter in your community.


After that, take the advice of your lawyer.

If he says ';$#it';, drop your panties %26amp; start grunting.

Your @$$hole BF %26amp; his mommy are control freaks. They will emotionally strangle you... if you allow it to happen.

Too bad you're not my daughter.

My gun cabinet alone would scare the $#it out of those 2 idiots (BF %26amp; his mommy).
I always laugh when I read how some husband (or in this case the husband's f'n MOM) threaten to take full custody of the child(ren). It's like what country are they living in? If the mother isn't a convicted felon or rampant drug abuser, then the man has ZERO chance of full custody - and he better work his *** off to present a good case for himself to even retain 50/50 if the mother decides that's not what SHE wants.

I'm sorry to hear what you're going through, and I don't have any good advice for dealing with what sounds like a depressed husband who's not transitioning very well into fatherhood. But if you DO decide that you want to leave, be sure to laugh in your mother-in-law's fat face when you do because she is dumb, overbearing, and straight-up wrong. (I don't give a sh*t who's desk she's a receptionist for lol)

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