Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Can I Do To Get My Dog Potty Trained?

I am at my wits end. I have owned many dogs before and have never had a problem potty training any of them. they way i potty train has always worked and works fast. I take the puppy ( or dog) out to go potty every hour or so and stand out with them telling them gently to go potty, when they do i immediately give them a treat and alot of praise. After about two too three weeks of this the dog is potty trained and i n longer must go outside with them.

This is not the case for my new puppy. Ella is about 7 or 8 months old and a Shih tzu Poodle mix. Nothing i do is working at all. I have come to find that a big problem is that she will sneek off to some corner of carpet out of the way and go there. i don't see this until there are several pee spots and at this point so old the carpet is stained, and so old that i cant get after her for it. She will also go potty in the house if i am every gone for more than two hours.

When i am lucky enough to catch her peeing i get after her by smacking her bum and telling her NO BAd and putting her outside. this does nothing but make me feel bad.

Last night she peed on my couch, (something she had never done before). The peeing and pooping in the house continues.

I have no idea what else i can do to get her potty trained and am desperate for some advice. My carpet is getting ruined and stained by her pee and my tears after hours of trying to remove the stains.And my mom has about had enough.

Obviously my methods of potty training are not working with this little dog.

Please if you can give me any advice or tricks of the trade on how to get this little girl potty trained i would love you for life!What Can I Do To Get My Dog Potty Trained?
Oh dear! I feel for you my friend. It sounds like she is simply not grasping the concept. I've never had to do this with a dog, but maybe it's time to start thinking about a crate, or confining her to one (uncarpeted) room. There is also a method called umbilical training, where you attach the dog's leash to your belt so she is with you 24/7 and you can keep an eye on her activities.

Best of luck to you and Ella!

If you do the crate, take her outside immediately upon opening the door.What Can I Do To Get My Dog Potty Trained?
We just got a puppy shih tzu we got a wire cage that folds down but she gets in it at night an when we are away she wont pee there cause sha sleeps there but as soon as i get home we hurry outside an when were home she will cry to go out she is 2months hope all goes well

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The punishment will be counter productive. Some dogs seems to almost get the idea on house training, then regress around 7 months old. Excess stress in the household can add to a regression and punishment can add to stress. But, with some dogs, they are just tough to get house trained. Below is a link that has some suggestions you may not have tried.鈥?/a>
what i would suggest is go and get some puppy pads which you lay on the floor and there is also a puppy training spot on spray which you can get from pet shops spray this onto the pad and your dog should go there this worked with my dog i then started to spray it outside where she could go to the toilet and now i don't use it she only goes outside now some people say this does work and some say it doesn't but its worth a try also where she has toileted spray some vinegar as this helps as a deterrent
As soon as I heard she is ';sneaking off'; I immediately knew you had punished her for pottying in the house. What smacking a dog does is this, first it reinforces the behavior it tells the dog keep doing it, next it tells the dog not I don't want you to potty in the house but that I don't want you to potty HERE, so the dog hides. By smacking and punishing you are confusing the dog, all it knows is you are mad at the MESS on the floor, not the act of going in the house they cannot make that distinction so the dog hides the mess so you won't get mad. Next when you take the dog outside its terrified of being smacked for pottying so what they do is hold it until you aren't looking and then they go. You are making housebreaking harder on yourself than it has to be, when a dog isn't learning it's YOUR fault not the dogs, it's always the owners fault.

Start over again, this website should help, only praise when she potties outside and keep her confined to the kitchen no more wandering the house unsupervised, and ignore her totally when she has an accident, by keeping her confined you limit her being able to hide the mess and you won't cry over old stains, and secondly you'll be able to see when she has to potty by sniffing and circling (but you should get her out every hour on the hour to potty anyway). If you are consistent with getting her outside, you reward her pottying outside and you IGNORE her pottying in the house, there is absolutely NO reason why you can't have her housebroken in two months, and the reason I say two months is because you have 7 months of bad habits to break.

Good luck

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