Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to improve my social skills?

I'm a 16 year old guy and have a problem with my social skills. The problem was that I started getting into serious things like martial arts competitions and sports throughout my childhood. I was so focused on my physicality (martial arts in particular) that I never got along with the other kids at school- I actually got in an unbelievable amount of fights throughout my elementary and middle school career, and as such became a sort of outcast...

then, of course, to 'sate my destructive behavior'; as my principal put it, I started video games where I would rip opponents to pieces and NOT risk expulsion and/or juvie by the time I was 15. Well, I got on World of Warcraft, and got hooked for nearly two years, pursuing level 70 with the same amount of vigor that I had martial arts for 6 years. Which, naturally, meant that I ignored most other students who went through normal childhoods, making friends, skateboarding, learning fashions, running after every girl at school, etc. Well, due to my MASSIVE bad health, I gave up WoW (not that hard actually) and started just focusing on surviving high school. But my grades where in the hole (I'm not stupid, I'm apparently fairly intelligent actually) and, by the time I noticed all of my problems, it was near the end of Sophomore year and now I have no 'true' best friends, guys I can count on, I can't find anyone with any interests even remotely similar to my own, am not very cool with the girls* and have to work on my grades and weight loss at the same time. Last month I was diagnosed with ADD which makes it even harder for me to understand my classmates (I'm actually unbelievably different ((interesting, flirtatious, fun, quick witted, more charming, etc as my classmates observe)) when I take the meds but that effect wears off after a few hours then it's back to normal). Now I am worried that I wasted my entire life up until this point, at least in the social arena.

How can I get along with my fellow students and save my high school times and look back on them fondly in the future, or even SECURE my future?? My grades have shot up through the roof since I got the medicine (going to ask for a stronger prescription, as this one wears off after about 2 to 3 hours...), but my social life is still suffering. I have no really close friends, and those that I always thought to be my best friends I now realize aren't truly like me and are simply my own nostalgic tendencies and foolishness coming into effect. I'm NOTHING like any of my current friends, and can't find anywhere else to fit into...

*It's not that I am bad-looking, I've actually had girls tell me I am somewhat resemblant of Edward Cullen (I'll take that as a compliment), it's just that I can't 'connect' with girls and share mostly none of their interests (mainly drugs, drinking, motorbiking, quading, etc out here).

Sorry for the long type, but I am seriously depressed, saddened, and have kept a lot of this bottled up for years lol.

Answers appreciated!!!!

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